Wednesday, September 7, 2011

So Much I Never Said... About Pottermore

Tuesday I wasn't so happy to see you. Homework until 11 when I went to class. My IDS is actually very interesting, but the room is SO cold that I have trouble concentrating. We learned about rocket technology today. It was actually much more interesting than it sounded. Lunch was interesting. We had live music, which is great, except when you can't hear the person sitting next to you. International Management came next. I wish that was fun. We finished watching Gung Ho and I'm all for movies in class, but this one just seemed to drag on. And I feel like I haven't learned anything. We'll see how that goes. Maybe its why people say the class is so hard, because you have to teach yourself.

Now, the afternoon was MUCH better after I was done with classes. I won another e-book from Librarythings called Facing the Son, A Novel of Africa. And my last textbook for MIS. Which wasn't as cool, but at least I have it and don't have to worry. Also tonight? First APhiO Rush of the semester! We were watching Wall-E, but I was so distracted because I got my POTTERMORE LETTER. Ahh!!! I was so freaking psyched.

So, I rush downstairs (after telling my friend that I am no longer a Muggle) and log on. I anxiously race through the first few chapters to get to the sorting. And I am..... any guesses? 
Ravenclaw Welcome Banner
RAVENCLAW! So freaking excited! I knew that's what I HAD to be. It's nice to be right. I love all the graphics in Pottermore and the insights into J.K. Rowling's head, but the actual game itself leaves a little be desired. It doesn't seem as interactive as I thought it would be. Hopefully once the site fully opens in October it will have more content. Yet, I still can't wait for the rest of the books to open! Oh, and A thinks I'm a bitch because I got in. She screamed it at me actually. Good times.


  1. Hi, Leigh Ann!

    Thanks for participating in my blogoversary giveaway! Sure hope you're one of the winners!!

    I'll have to go over to Pottermore and get sorted myself. I'd love to be in Gryffindor, of course!!

    Hope you have a GREAT week at school!! : )

    Maria @

  2. Lol lucky you! I always tried to log on at the right time to get into Pottermore early, but seemed to just miss it every time. Sigh. Keep us updated on how it goes!
    And thanks for entering my giveaway! Hope you like the book :)
